In 2011 the World Economic Forum (WEF) issued a report stating that 15 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2015 and 50 billion by 2020. The amount of data stored on the internet is predicted to grow exponentially and looks set to be 44 times larger in 2020 than it was in 2009. Global internet services revenue has also grown strongly over the last ten years and is forecasted to reach 554 billion Euros in 2019. Internet giants have business models underlined by the use of personal data, but most people would have trouble knowing who exactly has access to their personal data, for what it is being used for and what benefits it’s generating for the enterprises that are using it.
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies potentiate an increasing number of personal data applications. Advertisement, Medical, Banking and Media industries are profiting while using individual’s personal data while not delivering adequate compensation to each individual. It’s urgent to increase transparency regarding the usage of personnel data by enterprises and to ensure that users are better compensated for providing others with access to their personal data.

INSTANT – delIveriNg perSonal daTA coNTrol – aims to empower users with a transparent tool to manage access to their personal data and to support due to compensation by its use by third parties.
This project is focused in delivering a common interface where users will be able to store the information of each organisation to whom they delivered personal information; create, edit and revoke personal data access given to each specific organisation; manage potential financial compensations given by each organisation for using the user’s personal data.
INSTANT will deliver an online portal, and an associated set of webservices and protocols, which will serve as interface towards individuals and the data industry.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the NGI_TRUST grant agreement no 825618.
About Virtual Angle BV
Virtual Angle BV is a global provider of integrated systems in the areas of Information Technologies, Security, Design, Communication, and Branding. Virtual Angle BV has offices in Noordwijk (The Netherlands), and since its creation, in 2004, Virtual Angle BV is committed to offer competent, professional expertise and teamwork providing excellent services and products with efficiency, integrity, and cost-effectiveness. By doing so, the company has worked with some of the most prestigious organizations at the international level, such as the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission among several other relevant organizations.
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